Combine Accessories


Folding hitch for John Deere® 70 and S Series combines

MSRP: $1,073.00 USD *
A required hitch option (LANTH1451K or LAN10040K) is NOT included in the above listed price

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Product Description

The LANTH620 is a heavy duty folding hitch for John Deere® 70 and "S" Series combines. The hitch is designed to mount to the left side of the combine rear axle.

The LANTH620 is available with a standard clevis hitch (the LANTH1451K shown in above images), or a heavy duty 15 ton pintle hitch (LAN10040K). Both options are NOT included in the above listed price. Call Lankota for details.

LANTH620 features:
  • Swivel tube can fold out of the way under the combine when not in use
  • Extends 5.8' behind rear axle (retracted)
  • High strength 4" x 4" x ⅜" box tubing

For a hitch that folds and telescopes, order the LANTH910.

Additional Information

Combine Hitches
Shipping Weight Shipping Dims Shipping Method Installation
280 lbs 82x24x24 Freight 1.0 hours

* "MSRP" is the Lankota suggested retail price. This price does NOT include any applicable shipping, taxes, installation or labor costs. All prices shown are in US dollars.

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