Corn Cracker


Two-wheeled trailer kit for the Lankota corn cracker

MSRP: $3,300.00 USD *

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Product Description

The LANCK17383 is a two-wheeled trailer kit for the Lankota corn cracker. The kit features 225/75 R15 10 ply tires, and the maximum recommended speed is 40 MPH. This trailer option is available when ordering new LANCK17157 Corn Crackers, or as a field install kit for any serial number above 1662.

This trailer option requires the LANCK18500 base kit.

Additional Information

Shipping Weight Shipping Dims Shipping Method Installation
- - - -
Additional Spec Name Additional Spec Value
Road Speed 40 MPH
Ground Clearance 5.5'
Tire Size 225/75 R15 10 Ply

* "MSRP" is the Lankota suggested retail price. This price does NOT include any applicable shipping, taxes, installation or labor costs. All prices shown are in US dollars.

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